5116 Fire Relief Car Wash Fundraiser
5116 Fire Relief Car Wash Fundraiser
CAPBA is always active in charitable events, our youth group, the Apprentice Entrepreneurial Team, had held numerous charitable car washes to fundraise for people in need. That’s why during this tragic event at Fort McMurray, they will once again donate their time and man power. On May 22nd & May 29th, the A.E. team will hold another charitable car wash at 6091 Dover Road, Richmond for 8 hours per day. Anyone that is in need of such service, please come to the location and you can have your car washed and at the same time donate to the victims of Fort McMurray. Please lend a helping hand and support the 5116 Fire Relief Car Wash Fundraiser.
*Special Thanks: Mr. Joe Wideski
5116 愛心洗車籌款大行動
加拿大亞太商會曾經舉辦過多次 “慈善洗車日 ”,目的為了讓年輕人多多關心公益。這次亞省的山林大火是全國性的大事,所以我們亞太商會的 “實習企業家 團隊”自然也不能置身事外。
結合以往經驗和是次賑災需求,我們將動員30-50位實習企業家會員駐點於列治文6091 Dover Road舉辦發動兩次每天長達八個小時的人手洗車籌款,這活動不但對商會的實習企業家會員是一個非常有意義的體驗,同時也藉此活動帶動年輕人關心社會公益。
*特別鳴謝 Mr. Joe Wideski。
Event Photos
Event details
START DATE: May 22nd, 2016
TIME: 12:00pm
END DATE: May 29th, 2016