5116 Fire Relief Fundraising Ambassadors
5116 Fire Relief Fundraising Ambassadors
CAPBA has always been active in promoting business growth and giving back to its community. When tragedy hit Fort McMurray, we took initiatives by asking local business to assist us in fundraising for the victims. CAPBA will provide numerous pledge boxes in our local businesses and all donations received will be donated to the Canadian Red Cross.
We, hereby, urge people to look for these pledge boxes when you are shopping or dining, donate what you can, support our campaign, and help the people in need at Fort McMurray.
5116 愛心大使籌款大行動
《5116 亞省山林大火賑災大行動》的宗旨在於動員社會各界,盡力為災民爭取一切的資源。因此,大會也不忘走上街頭,接觸群眾,傳達籌款的重要性。是次將派出若干位愛心大使,攜帶捐款箱,前往人潮熱點進行募捐,募捐地點包括: 車站,商場,酒樓等地方。
特別鳴謝 Special Thanks:
幸运海鲜酒家 Continental Seafood Restaurant
新加樂海鮮酒家 Chinahouse Seafood Restaurant
鴻星海鮮酒家 Red Star Seafood Restaurant
敘香園海鮮酒家 Shiang Garden Seafood Restaurant
惠食佳海鮮酒家 Good Eat Seafood Restaurant
龙皇鲍翅酒家 Neptune Seafood Restaurant
梅园粉麵茶餐廳 Mui Garden Restaurant
Event Photos
Event details
START DATE: May 22nd, 2016
TIME: 10:00am
END DATE: May 22nd, 2016