5116 Fort McMurray Fire Relief Campaign Fundraiser Annoucement
On May 1st, 2016, northern Alberta, in the township of Fort McMurray, a devastating natural disaster occurred that has never been seen in its history. Forest fire ripped through the township and its neighbouring forests causing close to 90,000 people to lose their homes, their businesses, and their community; and over 1,600 buildings were destroyed and 229,000 hectares of forests were burnt to ashes.
Canada Asia Pacific Business Association (CAPBA) and several other concerned organizations and generous individuals, including Qooway Online Inc. – Mr. Pius Chan, Profitek POS Solutions – Mrs. Cindy Chan, Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association, Mr. Thomas Wu of Rennie & Associates Realty, Continental Seafood Restaurant and Xin Tian Di Immigration Services Ltd. have decided to call upon Canada to rise up as a nation and show the victims that we care.
五月一日,亞伯達省北部城市麥克默里堡(Fort McMurray)發生了加拿大史上最嚴重的山林火災,將近九萬居民失去他們賴以生存的家園,只得顛沛流離,艱辛度日。野火燒毀了一千六百多間房子和近二十三萬公頃的樹林。
加拿大亞太商會,聯同 Qooway Online Inc- 陳若虛先生,Profiteck POS Solution – 陳鄧慧中 女仕,東井圓佛會,RENNIE & ASSOCIATES REALITY LTD – 胡文峰先生,新天地移民顧問有限公司 – 陳詩莉 女仕,幸運海鮮酒樓等協辦單位以感同身受之心響應全國號召,發起賑災,並且也呼籲加國全體踴躍行動。
Event details
START DATE: May 06th, 2016
END DATE: May 06th, 2016