5116 Fort McMurray Fire Relief Campaign Press Conference
5116 Fort McMurray Fire Relief Campaign Press Conference
On May 16th, Canada Asia Pacific Business Association (CAPBA) and several other concerned organizations and generous individuals, including Qooway Online Inc. – Mr. Pius Chan, Profitek POS Solutions – Mrs. Cindy Chan, Tung Cheng Yuen Buddhist Association, Mr. Thomas Wu of Rennie & Associates Realty, Continental Seafood Restaurant and Xin Tian Di Immigration Service Ltd have held a press conference at Continental Seafood Restaurant to make a joint statement about the upcoming “5116 Fort McMurray Fire Relief Campaign”. In addition to the organizing committee, delegate from Cathay Pacific Airways (Canada) was also present to announce the intent to become “Title Sponsor”.
The chain of events that will take place in the campaign are:
I. 5116 Student Fundraiser
II. 5116 Business Fundraiser
III. 5116 Ambassadors in Restaurant Fundraiser
IV. 5116 Fire Relief Bazaar
V. 5116 Fire Relief Car Wash Fundraiser
VI. 5116 King of Mahjong Fundraiser
VII.5116 Mini Concert Fundraiser
VIII. 5116 Karaoke Fundraiser5116 Fort McMurray Fire Relief Fundraising Dinner and
IX. the finale “5116 Fort McMurray Fundraising Dinner” at Continental Seafood Restaurant.
5116 亞省山林大火賑災大行動記者會
五月十五日,加拿大亞太商會,連同Qooway Online Inc- 陳若虛先生,Profiteck POS Solution – 陳鄧慧中 女仕,東井圓佛會,RENNIE & ASSOCIATES REALITY LTD – 胡文峰先生,新天地移民顧問有限公司 – 陳詩莉 女仕,幸運海鮮酒樓等協辦單位在幸運海鮮酒樓舉行了記者招待會,向傳媒界的朋友介紹《5116亞省山林大火賑災大行動》。除了籌務委員會,加拿大國泰航空公司也派代表出席,宣佈擔當[冠名贊助商]。
9. 《5116烈火無情人間有愛籌款晚宴》。
Event Photos
Event details
LOCATION: Continental Seafood Restaurant
START DATE: May 16th, 2016
TIME: 3:30pm
END DATE: May 16th, 2016